Over the summer I was on a little organizing spree –especially with my gear! When I’m going on a job I don’t like wondering where did I put a lens? A battery? A filter? A cable? An etc? It wastes too much mental energy worrying where things are. Hence why I like my Pelican 1510 case when I out for a job (that’s the tiny one that fits overhead in an airplane and has wheels.) One of my friends recommended that I pick up a TrekPak insert to complement my pelican. It’s a new system for organizing that doesn’t involve nasty velcro. What attracted to me to it was the minimal design, how it could optimally use space, and how easy it was to make adjustments.
Unfortunately I found one thing that bugs me about the TrekPak insert, the shorter dividers are a tad too short when I’m trying to store some of my “fatter” lens. I remedied this by removing the fatty lens’ hoods and storing them with my lighting gear.
Before I was using a regular padded divider from Pelican. Yes, it looks very messing in the photo above. I mean what the heck is my battery charger doing on top of my camera?! How am I going to fit two more lens in there?! One thing that I do miss about my old padded insert was that I could store my lens with their respective hoods still attached.
Overall I’m pretty happy with the TrekPak insert. Everything camera related fits nearly into one beastly box. Another bonus is that since the TrekPak makes compartments so specific to particular piece of gear I can take one look at my box and tell what’s there and what’s missing.
wowww! I really like the pins and tabs concept and how nicely it allows you organize everything. nice review! I might upgrade my bag to something like this.