I’ve been to comic conventions before, but this was my first time experiencing Comic-Con International: San Diego for all five days (including preview night.) Since I’m not a fan of crowded environments mentally I needed to prepare myself for the chaos that would be unleashed into the gaslamp district. Once you overlook the anxieties of a flooded downtown SD it’s both thrilling and exciting to be immersed in a community of people so in love with the graphic novel culture. Everywhere I looked it was impossible not to find one person who wasn’t finding enjoyment in the spirit of SDCC. Regardless of age, class, ethnic background everyone was united over their love of this culture. Easily my inner geek felt right at home.
Throughout the convention you’ll find plenty of photographers asking cosplayers to stand and pose for them. My personal take was to photograph a series of images that together would piece together an overall portrait of SDCC. This meant simultaneously looking for the candid moments among the die-hard fans and general enthusiasts while breaking the 4th wall and getting all up in their faces.