Sometime in the fall I photographed two incredible women, Yael Cohen and Julie Greenbaum, for a interview with NextShark. It’s not too often that I have the fortune of photographing a real, strong modern woman –let alone two! Yael and Julie have similar beginnings. Both started their own individual non-profit organizations in 2010 when their mothers were diagnosed with cancer, both of them were focused on spreading public awareness about the importance of the early detection and prevention of cancer, and both named their non-profits fuck cancer.
**Tangent!** isn’t there something so satisfying with saying the word “fuck?” Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
As of late 2014 Yael and Julie joined forces and merged their non-profits into one big Fuck Cancer. You have to hear these ladies’ stories. The amount of passion and dexterity they put into raising awareness for early detection and prevention of cancer is astounding. Nowadays it seems like everyone is literally trying to find a way to turn passions into a livelihood and for-lack-of-better-words self fulfillment. Now there’s absolutely nothing, but I can’t help but be inspired by the fact that Yael and Julie’s passion is to help prevent cancer and thus save lives. How cool is that?
You can watch their interview below or read the full article on NextShark