What happens after the events of Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015?) In this short film directed by Josh Yadon and CC Weske with Force Storm Entertainment, Rey returns and we get a looking into a Jedi training session with the one and only Luke Skywalker. Piggyback rides are included.
This was my first time working with these incredible artists. It’s always so inspiring being a part of a project bigger than yourself. Josh and Deangelo Harding (Director of Photography) might just be some of the most ambitious filmmakers I’ve personally seen in action. Noah Fleder (Producer) is a modern-day Jedi Master. And of course it’s impossible to overlook CC’s uncanny likeness to Daisy Ridley. –Though I do believe that her fight scene is much more impressive.
Between takes I photographed CC and her father Tim Weske in their respective characters. Primarily I stuck with using a on a for the wider environmental portraits and thefor the more punched in close-ups. Lighting wise I used a giant reflector and had a Profoto B1 500 on standby. Overall I wanted to keep the light on CC very, very soft but still have some subtle shadows so that she’s not completely flat. The strobe on standby was intended to add a little hair light for background separation.
I’m quite please with how the images turned out –Adding lightsabers and imagining how the glow they cast would fall on their users is a fun mind puzzle to do in post production. Now enjoy the film!
Watch The Film:
Behind the Scenes:
Peak Design Slide Strap
Profoto B1 500
Profoto White Beauty Dish
Softlighter II Umbrella (60″)
Air Remote Transceiver (Canon/Nikon)
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