I managed to catch Eddo, Shawn, and John aka “The Supply” during one of their visits to the west coast. These guys are on their way to building Lenana’s first-ever community secondary school. Check them out and support!
I managed to catch Eddo, Shawn, and John aka “The Supply” during one of their visits to the west coast. These guys are on their way to building Lenana’s first-ever community secondary school. Check them out and support!
They’re awesome <3 I wish I could go there and help D: oh and shawn is so cute x3
They’re super swell guys 🙂 You can still help by checking out their site http://thesupply.org/
One of them is my cousin – shout out to John Suh! By the way Melly, I am also inspired by the Supply but also by the artists featured throughout your photo blog.
Thanks 🙂